Ultimate Typography Resources: Google Fonts, Material Design, and Font Recommendations for Every App

Dive into a comprehensive guide on typography tools and font resources. Learn about Google Fonts, Material Design typography, downloadable fonts for Android, and curated font recommendations for over 100 app categories. Enhance your projects with the perfect typefaces today!

Explore top font resources and recommendations for app design, branding, and web projects. From Google Fonts to downloadable fonts, discover typography tools and app-specific font guides.

Google Fonts: Explore and Download Free Fonts

  • Discover a vast collection of free, high-quality fonts for your design projects. 
  • Google Fonts offers versatile typefaces that are easy to browse, download, and integrate into websites, apps, and print materials.

What Are Material Symbols?

Material Symbols is a comprehensive collection of over 2,500 icons packed into one versatile and powerful font. These icons are designed to enhance your projects with endless possibilities for customization and creativity.

Why Choose Material Symbols?

Material Symbols stand out for their flexibility and adaptability. Here’s what makes them a must-have for your toolkit:

  1. Customization Options
    Easily modify icons to perfectly match your design needs. Choose from:

    • Fill: Add depth and style to your icons.
    • Weight: Adjust the thickness to fit your design’s tone.
    • Grade: Fine-tune the details for sharpness.
    • Optical Size: Optimize icons for any screen size or resolution.
  2. Style Filters
    Looking for a specific vibe? Material Symbols lets you filter icons by style:

    • Outline: Sleek and minimal.
    • Rounded: Smooth and friendly.
    • Sharp: Bold and impactful.
  3. Categorized Icons
    Need something fast? Browse icons by category to quickly find the perfect match for your app or website.

  4. Search and Personalization
    Save time by filtering icons by name to find exactly what you need. Plus, you can customize the color of any icon to align with your project’s style—making your designs truly unique.

  5. Download in Multiple Formats
    Once you're done, downloading is easy! Export icons as PNG or SVG files, ready to integrate into your projects.


Where to Find Material Symbols

Access Material Symbols directly on Google Fonts. It’s free, easy to use, and perfect for designers and developers alike.


Typography Theming

  • Material Design typography theming can be used to create typographic styles that reflect your brand or style by defining a set of type scales which will be used throughout your app. 
  • You can use type scales to customize the appearance of text in Material components.

Design and API Documentation

  • Material Design guidelines: Typography


Attribute Name Default Style
textAppearanceDisplayLarge Regular 57sp
textAppearanceDisplayMedium Regular 45sp
textAppearanceDisplaySmall Regular 36sp
textAppearanceHeadlineLarge Regular 32sp
textAppearanceHeadlineMedium Regular 28sp
textAppearanceHeadlineSmall Regular 24sp
textAppearanceTitleLarge Regular 22sp
textAppearanceTitleMedium Medium 16sp
textAppearanceTitleSmall Medium 14sp
textAppearanceBodyLarge Regular 16sp
textAppearanceBodyMedium Regular 14sp
textAppearanceBodySmall Regular 12sp
textAppearanceLabelLarge Medium 14sp
textAppearanceLabelMedium Medium 12sp
textAppearanceLabelSmall Medium 11sp

Style Values

Style values are a combination of the following:

  • Font face name and weight
  • Font size
  • Letter spacing
  • Text transformation (e.g., all caps)


The components included in the Material Design Library reference these themeable text attributes, enabling you to easily change text appearance across your whole application. If you display text in TextViews or create custom components, consider referencing one of these text attributes where it makes sense.

<style name="TextAppearance.MyApp.DisplaySmall" parent="TextAppearance.Material3.DisplaySmall">
  <item name="fontFamily">@font/custom_font</item>
  <item name="android:textStyle">normal</item>
  <item name="android:textAllCaps">false</item>
  <item name="android:textSize">64sp</item>
  <item name="android:letterSpacing">0</item>

<style name="Theme.MyApp" parent="Theme.Material3.DayNight.NoActionBar">
  <item name="textAppearanceDisplaySmall">@style/TextAppearance.MyApp.DisplaySmall</item>

Downloadable Fonts

Android O and Android Support Library 26 add support for Downloadable Fonts. This allows you to easily use the entire Google Fonts Open Source collection without bundling a font with your APK. Find more information at https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/android.

Note: If you want to use a Downloadable Font before Android O, make sure you are using AppCompatTextView or that you are loading the font yourself with ResourcesCompat.getFont().


You can set your application to download fonts by using Android Studio 3.0 or higher. To help you get started with Downloadable Fonts features, you can use the font provider from Google Play services.

  1. In the Layout Editor, select a TextView. Then, under Attributes, select fontFamily > More Fonts.
    An image showing Android Studio Layout Editor
    Figure 2. Using the Layout Editor.
    The Resources window appears.
  2. In the Source menu, select Google Fonts.
  3. In the Fonts box, select a font under the "Downloadable" area.
  4. Select Create downloadable font and click OK.
    An image showing how to select fonts from the Resources window
    Figure 3. Selecting a font from the Resources window.
  5. Android Studio automatically generates the relevant XML files that are needed to render the font correctly in your app.

    An image showing how to preview fonts
    Figure 4. Previewing the font file.

Type Scale Generator by Google Fonts

  • Create optimized type scales and code effortlessly with the Type Scale Generator. 
  • Powered by Google Fonts and Material typography guidance, it resizes and optimizes fonts for readability. 
  • Explore font details and adjust settings with ease!


Instant Font Identification with WhatTheFont

  • Easily identify fonts from images using WhatTheFont, powered by the world’s largest collection of fonts on MyFonts. 
  • Upload an image and discover the perfect match in seconds!

This guide lists 100 app categories for clarity and includes curated free and paid font recommendations to simplify typography choices for developers and designers. 

App CategoryBest Free FontsBest Paid Fonts
Education 🎓📚Merriweather, Lora, Source Serif ProFreight Text, Sabon, Scala
Sports ⚽🏀Montserrat, Oswald, Open SansFF DIN, ITC Avant Garde Gothic
Utilities 🛠️⚙️Inter, Roboto, LatoAvenir Next, Proxima Nova, Trade Gothic
Shopping 🛍️🛒Poppins, Raleway, NunitoHelvetica Neue, Brandon Grotesque
Music ðŸŽĩ🎧Nunito Sans, Futura PT, Libre BaskervilleAvenir, Gotham, Circular
Video ðŸŽĨ📚PT Sans, Roboto, UbuntuNeue Haas Unica, FF Meta
Books 📖📚Libre Baskerville, Crimson Text, GeorgiaBembo, Minion Pro, Garamond Premier Pro
Games ðŸŽŪðŸ•đ️Press Start 2P, Bungee, VT323Pixel Operator Mono, Eurostile
Social Networking ðŸ—Ļ️ðŸĪģMontserrat, Open Sans, RalewayGraphik, Gotham, GT America
Health & Fitness 🏋️‍♂️🧘‍♀️Lora, Quicksand, NunitoAktiv Grotesk, Suisse Int’l, DIN Next
News ðŸ“°ðŸ“ĄPlayfair Display, PT Serif, MerriweatherTimes New Roman, Chronicle Text
Finance 💰📊IBM Plex Sans, Source Sans Pro, Roboto SlabNeue Haas Grotesk, Freight Sans
Food & Drink 🍔ðŸđPacifico, Lobster, OswaldDala Floda, GT Sectra
Travel ✈️🏖️Cabin, Karla, Open SansAvenir Next, Galano Grotesque
Weather ðŸŒĶ️☀️Overpass, Ubuntu, Exo 2DIN Pro, Klim Type Foundry Calibre
Navigation 🗚️📍Source Code Pro, PT Mono, Work SansGT Pressura, Replica
Lifestyle ðŸĄ✨Futura PT, Lato, NunitoBrown, Maison Neue, Avenir
Productivity 📅📝Open Sans, Roboto, InterMetric, FF Mark, Basis Grotesque
Photography 📷ðŸ“ļAbril Fatface, Lora, NunitoCamingoDos, National
Communication 📞💎Noto Sans, Arial, VerdanaNeue Haas Grotesk, GT Walsheim
Kids ðŸ§ļðŸ‘ķBaloo Bhaina 2, Fredoka One, SnigletITC Chino, Omnes, Coquette
Art & Design ðŸŽĻ🖌️Playfair Display, Raleway, LoraSuisse Int’l, GT Alpina, Caslon
Business 💞📈Inter, Roboto, Open SansNeue Helvetica, Museo Sans, Aktiv Grotesk
Medical ðŸĨ💊Calibri, Lucida Sans, Open SansITC Franklin Gothic, Trade Gothic
Dating 💕❤️Dancing Script, Amatic SC, RalewayArcher, Mercury, Coquette
Reference 📖🔍Georgia, Libre Baskerville, Crimson TextFF Tisa, Arnhem
Parenting 🍞ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸ‘Đ‍👧‍ðŸ‘ĶBaloo Tamma, Quicksand, SnigletOmnes, Azo Sans, Bree
Science 🔎🌌IBM Plex Mono, Noto Serif, ExoInktrap, Nimbus Sans, Klim New Avenir
Entertainment 🎭🎎Bebas Neue, Pacifico, Playfair DisplayGotham, Brandon Text, Abril Titling
AR/VR ðŸ•ķ️ðŸ“ąOrbitron, Bungee Inline, ExoF37 Foundry, Neue Montreal
Dev Tools ðŸ’ŧðŸ–Ĩ️Fira Code, Inconsolata, ConsolasOperator Mono, Dank Mono, Input Mono
Security ðŸ”’ðŸ›Ą️Droid Sans Mono, Roboto Mono, Source Code ProGT Cinetype, Triplicate Mono
Government & Politics 🏛️⚖️Libre Franklin, Merriweather, GeorgiaCaslon, Utopia, Freight Text
Religion ✝️☪️🕉️Goudy Old Style, Baskerville, Noto SerifBookman, ITC Galliard, Scala
Fashion 👗👠Vogue Sans, Didot, BodoniAmbroise, GT Super, ITC Tiffany
Real Estate 🏘️ðŸĒNunito, Poppins, LatoGotham Narrow, Foundry Gridnik
Events 🎉📆Josefin Sans, Cormorant Garamond, RalewayMilo, Granville, Dala Moa
Automotive 🚗ðŸ›ŧAudiowide, Orbitron, ExoAkzidenz-Grotesk, Auto, Trade Gothic
Energy ⚡🔋Overpass, Ubuntu, LatoGraphik, Bureau Grot, Neue Haas
Pets ðŸķðŸūChewy, Baloo Tamma, Indie FlowerCoquette, FF Cocon, Bree
Blockchain & Crypto 🊙🔗IBM Plex Mono, Space Mono, Fira MonoNeue Montreal, Px Grotesk
AI & Machine Learning ðŸĪ–ðŸ“ĄExo, Space Mono, Source Code ProGT America Mono, Proto Grotesk
Sustainability ðŸŒą♻️Nunito, Alegreya, LoraGraphik, Canela, Ivy Presto
Esports ðŸŽŪ🏆Bungee, Press Start 2P, VT323Pixelcade, Lazer 84, SF Pixelate
Audio & Podcasting 🎙️🎚️Montserrat, Nunito, Playfair DisplayGotham, Graphik, Circular
Charity & Non-Profit ❤️ðŸĪēAlegreya, Raleway, NunitoCanela, FF Kievit, Scala Sans
Hobbies ðŸ§ĐðŸŽŊPacifico, Dancing Script, Indie FlowerFF Milo, Recoleta, Mija
Workforce Management 🧑‍💞📋Open Sans, Roboto, InterFF Meta, FF Unit, Avenir Next
Virtual Communities ðŸ›Ą️🏰Orbitron, Raleway, InterGraphik, Founders Grotesk, Tiempos
Adult Content 🔞❤️Abril Fatface, Futura PT, NunitoLubalin Graph, ITC Avant Garde Gothic
Beauty 💄✨Lora, Quicksand, Open SansGT Super, Noe Display
Fitness Tracking 🏃‍♂️📈Roboto, Noto Sans, NunitoAktiv Grotesk, Helvetica Neue
Cooking ðŸģ📖Lobster, Pacifico, Indie FlowerProxima Nova, Benton Sans
Learning Apps ðŸ§ ðŸ“ąMerriweather, Georgia, PT SerifFF Tisa, Minion Pro
Technology ðŸ’ŧ🔌Inter, Open Sans, Roboto MonoGT America, Foundry Sterling
Jobs & Career ðŸ‘Đ‍💞💞Lato, Roboto, Source Sans ProHelvetica, Benton Modern
Fitness Classes 🏋️‍♂️💊Quicksand, Nunito, Open SansAktiv Grotesk, GT Walsheim
Stock Trading 📈📉Roboto Slab, IBM Plex Sans, MerriweatherNeue Haas Grotesk, Graphik
Transportation 🚍ðŸ›ģ️Exo, Raleway, LatoFF DIN, Avenir Next
Luxury Apps 👑✨Playfair Display, Lora, Libre BaskervilleDidot, Noe Display
Interior Design 🛋️ðŸŽĻRaleway, Nunito, Open SansFF Meta Serif, Neue Haas Unica
Marketplaces 🛒📊Poppins, Roboto, InterBenton Sans, Gotham Narrow
Recipe Apps ðŸī🧑‍ðŸģPacifico, Lobster, NunitoProxima Nova, FF Kievit
Streaming 🎎🎧Montserrat, PT Sans, Open SansCircular, Brandon Text
Eco Apps ðŸŒŋ🌍Lora, Alegreya, NunitoCanela, Maison Neue
Meditation Apps 🧘‍♀️🕊️Quicksand, Raleway, Source Sans ProGT Cinetype, Suisse Int’l
Writing Apps ✍️📝Georgia, Merriweather, PT SerifTiempos Text, Freight Text
Comics & Manga 📚🖌️Comic Neue, VT323, LoraCoquette, Omnes
Language Learning ðŸ—Ģ️🌏Merriweather, PT Sans, LatoFF Tisa, Freight Sans
Photo Editing ðŸ“ļðŸŽĻMontserrat, Raleway, RobotoGotham, Graphik
Calendar & Scheduling 📆⏰Lato, Open Sans, InterAvenir Next, GT America
Event Management 🎊🎭Cormorant Garamond, Nunito, Playfair DisplayBrandon Grotesque, Maison Neue
Food Delivery 🍕ðŸ›ĩPoppins, Lato, NunitoNeue Haas Unica, Benton Sans
Personal Finance ðŸ’ĩðŸ“ēSource Sans Pro, Roboto Slab, InterFreight Sans, Neue Haas Grotesk
Streaming Audio 🎙️ðŸŽķNunito, Montserrat, Playfair DisplayGotham, Circular
Memory Games 🧠🃏Fira Sans, Bungee, VT323Eurostile, ITC Avant Garde Gothic
DIY & Crafting ✂️ðŸŽĻIndie Flower, Lobster, Fredoka OneOmnes, Bree
Gardening ðŸŒąðŸŠīAlegreya, Raleway, LoraCanela, Ivy Presto
Home Services 🏠🛠️Open Sans, Poppins, LatoProxima Nova, Avenir Next
Vehicle Rentals 🚗🏍️Exo 2, Roboto, LatoFF DIN, Graphik
Courier Services 🚚ðŸ“ĶRaleway, Nunito, MontserratBenton Sans, Neue Haas Unica
News Aggregator 🗞️ðŸ“ĄPT Serif, Playfair Display, GeorgiaChronicle Text, Mercury
Budgeting Apps 📊📉IBM Plex Sans, Source Sans Pro, NunitoNeue Haas Grotesk, Freight Sans
Travel Planning 🗚️✈️Lato, Inter, RalewayAvenir Next, Maison Neue
Gaming Tools ðŸŽŪ⚙️VT323, Bungee, Press Start 2PPixel Operator Mono, Lazer 84
Astrology Apps 🌌ðŸ”ŪPacifico, Lora, QuicksandGT Super, Tiempos
Parenting Tools 🍞ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸ‘Đ‍👧Fredoka One, Nunito, SnigletOmnes, Coquette
AI Assistants ðŸĪ–ðŸ—Ļ️Inter, IBM Plex Mono, Open SansGT America, Foundry Sterling
Graphic Design ðŸŽĻ🖞️Raleway, Montserrat, Open SansSuisse Int’l, GT Alpina
Virtual Reality 🌐ðŸ•ķ️Orbitron, Exo, BungeeNeue Montreal, GT Pressura
Augmented Reality ðŸ“ąðŸŒˆExo, Space Mono, RalewayProto Grotesk, Neue Haas Grotesk
Coding & Programming ðŸ’ŧðŸ–Ĩ️Fira Code, Inconsolata, Roboto MonoOperator Mono, Dank Mono
Virtual Events ðŸ–Ĩ️🎉Open Sans, Lato, InterAvenir, GT America
Study Tools 📖📑Georgia, Merriweather, PT SerifTiempos, Freight Text
Auction Apps ðŸ’ĩðŸ“ĶPoppins, Lato, NunitoBenton Sans, Gotham Narrow
Fundraising 🎁📊Alegreya, Raleway, NunitoCanela, FF Kievit
Pet Care 🐕ðŸūChewy, Baloo Tamma, Fredoka OneOmnes, Coquette
Fashion Retail 👗🛒Didot, Vogue Sans, NunitoGT Super, Brandon Grotesque
Fitness Coaching 🏃‍♀️ðŸ“ēQuicksand, Nunito, Open SansAktiv Grotesk, FF DIN
Educational Games 🧠ðŸŽēBungee, Fira Sans, Comic NeuePixelcade, Omnes
Private Messaging ðŸ“Đ🔒Open Sans, Raleway, LatoGT Walsheim, Neue Haas
Video Conferencing ðŸŽĨðŸ’ŧRoboto, PT Sans, InterCircular, Avenir
Car Maintenance 🛠️🚘Exo, Roboto, Source Code ProFF DIN, Akzidenz-Grotesk


Typography or Type scale generator - Android Material UI/UX

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