Flutter Material Banner Widget Guide

To use the MaterialBanner class in Flutter to display important information and actions to users. The MaterialBanner is a widget provided by the Flutter Material library that displays a prominent message, along with optional actions, at the top of the screen. 

Our guide covers everything from creating and customizing a MaterialBanner to handling user interactions with the banner.

A banner displays an important, succinct message, and provides actions for users to address (or dismiss the banner). A user action is required for it to be dismissed.

  leading: Icon(Icons.warning),
  content: Text('This is a warning message.'),
  actions: [
      child: Text('DISMISS'),
      onPressed: () {
        // Handle dismiss action here
      child: Text('VIEW DETAILS'),
      onPressed: () {
        // Handle view details action here

Step by Step Code Explanation:

Create a new MaterialBanner widget.

  • Set the leading property to an Icon widget with the Icons.warning icon to display a warning icon at the left side of the banner.
  • Set the content property to a Text widget with the message to display in the banner.
  • Set the actions property to an array of two TextButton widgets with labels for the dismiss and view details actions, respectively.
  • For each TextButton widget, set the onPressed property to a function that handles the corresponding action when the button is pressed.


Code snippet:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

// Enumeration to define banner demo actions
enum BannerDemoAction {

// A stateful widget that demonstrates the Material Banner widget
class BannerDemo extends StatefulWidget {
  const BannerDemo({super.key});

  State<BannerDemo> createState() => _BannerDemoState();

class _BannerDemoState extends State<BannerDemo> with RestorationMixin {
  // Number of items to be displayed in the list view
  static const _itemCount = 20;

  // Unique restoration ID for the banner demo
  String get restorationId => 'banner_demo';

  // Restore the state of the banner demo
  void restoreState(RestorationBucket? oldBucket, bool initialRestore) {
    registerForRestoration(_displayBanner, 'display_banner');
    registerForRestoration(_showMultipleActions, 'show_multiple_actions');
    registerForRestoration(_showLeading, 'show_leading');

  // Restorable boolean values to control banner properties
  final RestorableBool _displayBanner = RestorableBool(true);
  final RestorableBool _showMultipleActions = RestorableBool(true);
  final RestorableBool _showLeading = RestorableBool(true);

  // Dispose the restorable boolean values
  void dispose() {

  // Handle the banner demo actions
  void handleDemoAction(BannerDemoAction action) {
    setState(() {
      switch (action) {
      // Reset the banner properties to default
        case BannerDemoAction.reset:
          _displayBanner.value = true;
          _showMultipleActions.value = true;
          _showLeading.value = true;
      // Toggle the display of multiple actions
        case BannerDemoAction.showMultipleActions:
          _showMultipleActions.value = !_showMultipleActions.value;
      // Toggle the display of leading icon
        case BannerDemoAction.showLeading:
          _showLeading.value = !_showLeading.value;

  // Build the UI for the banner demo
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final colorScheme = Theme.of(context).colorScheme;

    // Define the banner widget
    final banner = MaterialBanner(
      content: const Text('Your password was updated on your other device. Please sign in again.'),
      leading: _showLeading.value
          ? CircleAvatar(
        backgroundColor: colorScheme.primary,
        child: Icon(Icons.access_alarm, color: colorScheme.onPrimary),
          : null,
      actions: [
        // Sign in button
          onPressed: () {
            setState(() {
              _displayBanner.value = false;
          child: const Text('SIGN IN'),
        // Dismiss button (if multiple actions is enabled)
        if (_showMultipleActions.value)
            onPressed: () {
              setState(() {
                _displayBanner.value = false;
            child: const Text('DISMISS'),
      backgroundColor: colorScheme.background,

    // Build the scaffold widget with an app bar and a list view
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        automaticallyImplyLeading: false,
        title: const Text('Banner'),
        actions: [
          // Popup menu button to show banner demo actions
            onSelected: handleDemoAction,
            itemBuilder: (context) => <PopupMenuEntry<BannerDemoAction>>[
              const PopupMenuItem<BannerDemoAction>(
                value: BannerDemoAction.reset,
                child: Text('Reset the banner'),
              const PopupMenuDivider(),
                value: BannerDemoAction.showMultipleActions,
                checked: _showMultipleActions.value,
                child: const Text('Multiple actions'),
                value: BannerDemoAction.showLeading,
                checked: _showLeading.value,
                child: const Text('Leading Icon'),

      // List of item 
      body: ListView.builder(
        restorationId: 'banner_demo_list_view',
        itemCount: _displayBanner.value ? _itemCount + 1 : _itemCount,
        itemBuilder: (context, index) {
          if (index == 0 && _displayBanner.value) {
            return banner;
          return ListTile(
            title: Text(
              'Item ${_displayBanner.value ? index : index + 1}',


The MaterialBanner widget displays a prominent message and related actions in a material design widget.

  • The BannerDemoAction enumeration defines three actions for the demo: reset, showMultipleActions, and showLeading.
  • The BannerDemo class is a stateful widget that represents the demo itself.
  • The RestorationMixin is a mixin that provides state restoration capabilities to the widget.
  • The RestorableBool class is used to define three boolean values that are restorable: _displayBanner, _showMultipleActions, and _showLeading.
  • The handleDemoAction method updates the state of the widget based on the action that was triggered.
  • The build method creates the MaterialBanner widget and a ListView widget that displays a list of items with an optional banner.
  • The AppBar widget displays the app bar with a title and a popup menu button that triggers one of the three actions defined in the BannerDemoAction enumeration.



