SwiftUI Tutorial | SwiftUI Masterclass 2023 - iOS App Development & Swift
SwiftUI is a cutting-edge technology for creating intuitive user interfaces on any Apple platform. It allows developers to create beautiful and dynamic apps faster and more efficiently than ever before. This series of tutorials provides comprehensive coverage of Xcode, SwiftUI, and all the relevant layout and development techniques to help you create stunning user interfaces for your iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps.
Looking to become a skilled iOS app developer with SwiftUI in 2023? Look no further than the SwiftUI Masterclass 2023. This comprehensive course will guide you from a beginner level to an advanced app developer using SwiftUI and Xcode. You'll learn all the essential skills and techniques required to develop stunning, dynamic apps on iOS. Whether you're new to iOS development or looking to upgrade your skills, this course is perfect for you. Join now and become a master of iOS app development with SwiftUI!
Basic :
Sections 1: Visual Editor in SwiftUI
Sections 3: Import Images to Assets
Sections 4: SF Symbols System icons
Sections 5: Gradient Color
Sections 6: Shapes and Stroke
Sections 7: Color Literal and Image Literal
Sections 8: Sidebar
Sections 10: Image View
Sections 11: Safe Area Layout
Sections 12: Text View
Sections 14: Max Width and Frame Alignment
Sections 15: Shadows and Color Opacity
Sections 16: Transparency and Mask
Sections 17: Clip Shape and Smooth Corners
Sections 18: Tab View Pagination
Sections 19: Animation States in Swiftui
Sections 20: View Transitions and Animations
Sections 21: Tap Animation with Delay
Sections 22: LazyHStack and LazyVStack
Sections 23: Navigation View in SwiftUI
Sections 25: How to create reusable components in SwiftUI
Sections 28: Static data in SwiftUI
Sections 32: Looping and Delaying Animations in SwiftUI
Sections 33: Tab Selection from Child View in Swift UI
Sections 34: Modal Presentation in Swift UI
Sections 35: Dismiss custom modal in Swift UI
Sections 36: Iterating Over an Array in Swift UI
Sections 37: Learn how to use switch statements in Swift UI
Sections 38: Format Date in Swift UI
Sections 39: UserDefaults in Swift UI
Sections 40: Hide Keyboard in Swift UI
Sections 41: Play Video with AVPlayer in Swift UI
Sections 42: Controls with AVPlayer in Swift UI
Sections 43: Link from a Text in Swift UI
Sections 44: Share Sheet in Swift UI
Sections 47: Action sheet in SwiftUI
Sections 48: Wheel and Segmented Picker in SwiftUI
Sections 49: Conditional modifier in SwiftUI
Sections 50: Markdown with AttributedString in SwiftUI
Sections 51: AttributeContainer in SwiftUI
Sections 52: Load remote images using AsyncImage in SwiftUI
Sections 53: Format Date with Formatted in SwiftUI
Sections 54: List Row Separators in SwiftUI
Sections 55: Swipe actions in SwiftUI
Sections 56: Searchable in SwiftUI
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